Sunday Soup #18: the return of sunday soup!

Presented by The DAAC

Event Type
Retro photograph of a large ceramic pot of creamy soup

Retro photograph of a large ceramic pot of creamy soup. The orange pot sits on top of a wooden butcher block, with herbs, greens, and potatoes sitting back on the work surface. Text reads: Sunday Soup #18, July 19th, 2015 - 4:30PM. The Fed Galleries at KCAD - WNF Building, 17 Pearl St NW, Grand Rapids, MI. Photo courtesy of Potato Marketing Board. Sunday Soup is a community funded grant program for creative projects based around a shared meal. Proposals due: July 18th, 2015 by midnight. More info, and to apply, visit us at:

The DAAC presents Sunday Soup at The Fed Galleries at KCAD!

Sunday July 19th | 4:30pm - 7:00pm

$5 = a warm delicious meal & 1 Vote 

What's Sunday Soup? How does it Work?
Sunday Soup is a grassroots model for funding small to medium sized creative projects through community meals. The basic formula is that a group of people come together to share a meal and that meal is sold for an affordable price. All the income from that meal is given as a grant to support a creative project. Grant applications are accepted up until the meal, everyone who purchases the meal gets one vote to determine who receives the grant. The grants are completely unrestricted and will be awarded at the discretion of the customers. Granting projects affiliated with Sunday Soup in different cities operate based on their own needs and context. The meals are more or less elaborate in different places and some people have presentations by potential grantees or past grantees as part of the event. 

To learn more about Sunday Soup GR & The Sunday Soup Network visit -->

For information about previous Sunday Soup GR meals click here -->

Apply here:
(link will be posted soon)

Proposals are due Saturday night, July 18th by midnight. Any person with a creative project to fund is encouraged to apply. Proposals should include:

- a project description (~250 words)
- description of how the money will be used
(honorarium, materials, studio rent, publicity, etc.)
- images that represent your project
- Additionally, each applicant will be asked to give a 3-5 minute pitch for their project during the meal. You must present in order to receive funding.
