New Music Booking Options Are Live!

Flyer Credit
Bryan Travers

The words "New Music Booking Options " overlaid on the band Tempered Playing at the DAAC

Publication Date

Our new music booking process is now live! We've experienced low volunteer capacity to run DAAC-curated shows, so we created additional options for our music community. Visit our Music Booking page to get started!

Here is a summary of the new options with full details on our site:

:mega: Promoters can bring a full lineup and rent the DAAC to run their own show.
:guitar:Local or touring bands can bring a full lineup and rent the DAAC to run their own show.
:octopus_cowboy: The DAAC will curate monthly shows on the 3rd Saturday of the month to offer new and seasoned artists a chance to perform. Volunteer positions need to be filled 1 month in advance of show. So if you’re applying to perform, sign up for a volunteer slot!

All options are contingent on artist review by DAAC music team, volunteer availability, and following the DAAC’s safe space & substance-free policies. Please remember we are all volunteers in this organization and have the same stake in our music community as you. Let's Do-It-Together!

Photo: Tempered by Bryan Travers @itsbrettbryan