Rumsey CleanUp Day!

Publication Date

We have submitted a statement to Habitat for a proposed use of the Rumsey St church and are working towards moving in! The first clean-up weekend will be this Saturday 10am - 5pm.

Below are a list of things we will need help with. If you see anything that catches your eye, please comment! If you have supplies you could bring, go for it!

We should have plenty of supplies for everyone to keep busy during the day, but if you have any of these items it might be helpful to bring them just in case we more people than we expect.

- Long extension poles for taller walls
- rollers, brushes, paint trays
- smaller buckets for pouring paint
- dropclothes (old sheets/plastic)
- old t-shirts or sheets to use as paint/cleaning rags

There are two rooms next to the stage area that we will use as a bathroom and the other for music equipment storage. SiteLab currently is using these two rooms for storage so we'll need help bringing their items down to the basement. Lots of heavy stuff so we'll need tons of helping hands on this one.

Floor is vinyl tiles; chipped/cracked but in reasonable shape. Needs a good mopping (when water is on - may not be this weekend). Downstairs kitchen could also be cleaned. Again, we might need the water turned on before doing this

we need to check all the lightbulbs. Some may need to be replaced. If you have any extras laying around we could use them.

Volunteers to create signs for bathrooms, outside entrance, and decals for light-up sign in lawn.
Ideas for supplies: paint, wood, ideas