GRZF will take place on the last day of The DAAC @ The Fed from 12-6pm (July 25th 2015).
$8 for a half table, $15 for a full table (distros only).
As always, totally free for all to attend!
This year Sara and Drew are again your organizers, so feel free to message us at the GRZF page with questions, concerns, etc.
Our safer spaces policy: "Grand Rapids Zine Fest is organized to create and uphold a space that is not ruled by commercial interests, publishing giants, sexist, racist, ageist, ableist, and/or trans/bi/homophobic individuals. It is a collectively shared and generative space wherein all peoples involved are respected and cared for. For these, and a number of other reasons, GRZF will not tolerate zinesters, zines, or attendees who promote what we are working against."